Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Chest Infection puts pay to running for over a week!

It has been a miserable week since the joy of racing the East Hull 20 and coming 38th out of 400 and hitting a great pace. Sunday evening I was "bushed" and crashed out on the sofa as you would expect completing an endurance event, Monday I woke up feeling groggy and managed to get through the day at work a little bit.... grumpy. By Tuesday I was floored with man-flu and failed to go to the track for my interval session, during the course of the Wednesday I stayed at home in the morning, spending a few hours in the office during the afternoon for meetings and left for home early.
On Thursday I started to feel a bit better and felt OK running with my group around the Littleborough 5K and felt happy that I got a few miles under my feet.

There lies the last miles for the week where I only clocked a total of 5 miles for the week and my health just deteriorated day by day.

As I write my blog.. two days late, I am starting to fight off the chest infection with the aid of penicillin and will not be racing Wednesday evening. It will not be all that bad as I can be at the race in my coach role and help my group achieve their full potential on race night!

This break from running is of course affecting my training for the VLM and I hope my training so far will not be lost on race day and naturally some goal adjustment is to be expected!

I hope to be well enough to jog out on Thursday for a few miles and get back to a level of training befitting a marathon runner.

I hope your week and been better than mine and remember:

Never run through an illness that is below the neck as it will delay the body's ability to recover!


Mark K

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