Monday, 15 April 2019

Back into running... again

On Sunday 7th April it was great to see Steve from work finish the Greater Manchester Marathon in a super time of 4:15 and some change.This was better than predicted by 5 minutes and it was a mixed emotion as I should have been racing in the marathon, a list of injuries and disappointments meant I deferred to 2020.

So the following Monday I vowed to get running again and did the usual 5k route and did 29:40 the wind was very strong, not helpful at all.

Thursday I did the same route and managed a little better 27:42 on both occasions my HR being near max so I know I am working hard but man it will take a lot more to get back to running comfortably.

So Sunday I decided to do my first LSR of the year, a whopping 10k on the classic Crompton loop. It was hard work and at 3 miles I passed my old house which usually would have meant run over, but knowing I had another 3 to go... tough medicine.
At 4 miles I fancied bailing out and heading for home, but the little running voice in my head said "go hard or go home", so up Shaw Road I went and huffed and puffed myself all the way home.

My trainers have now done 347 miles so time to start thinking about new running shoes and sideline these for short training runs as I step up the miles.

Also nice suffer score of 212 so reassuring the crap I went through translates into geek numbers!

So this week I will try the same routes and see if I can better them.

Keep Running
